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STRESS has been linked to everything from the common cold to the flu to heart attacks and geart disease, as well as various forms of cancer. You don't have to become another statistic!
WHAT IF you could be more relaxed than you have ever been before?
WHAT IF you could open an imaginary trap door in your head and remove excess stress, fears, hostilities and resentments, or, any anxiety that you have been carrying around with you? How about physical pain?
WHAT IF you could remove emotional pain and trauma, either known or unknown to you?
WHAT IF you could enhance the power of your immune system to help protect you from the common cold or the flu and greatly reduce your risk of a heart attack or heart disease?
YOU CAN! With the...
Stress and Your Immune System
Let's face it, our immune system is what keeps us healthy, and when it becomes suppressed, we are much more susceptible to such concerns as the flu and the common cold, not to mention a wide variety of other medical concerns.
A countless number of studies during the past 10 years or so have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that stress deteriorates your health, causes you to age quicker, and it takes a tremendous toll on your immune system.
It has also been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that there is a 70% - 85% chance that Stress elements have been linked to everything from the Flu to Heart Attacks, Heart Disease, Strokes, and even some forms of Cancer!
...is the key for reducing a wide variety of stress factors. Guided Imagery is the most powerful and complete method of removing all or most of the stress elements that have a negative effect on our bodies.
By purchasing STRESS MANAGEMENT FOR LIFE - The CD today, you will have decided to take control of your life and your health!
The STRESS MANAGEMENT FOR LIFE CD been hailed by thousands of everyday people just like you and I, as well as prominent and industry-respected stress researchers, physicians, and even a "movie star" or two, as one of the most unique and powerful stress management programs of its kind in existence today!
 The Price:
$29.95 Per CD - Prepaid
*NJ Only) Purchasers Must Add 6% NJS Tax
USCCCNII/American Focus
Post Office Box 663
South Plainfield, NJ 07080-0663
For Additional Product Information, Kindly Complete the Form Below and Click on the SUBMIT Button.
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It's not only the most effective program of its kind on the market today with regards to removing physical, mental, and emotional stress factors that no other program achieves, but it has also been proven to enhance your immune system and has recently been discovered to assist those who are suffering with infertility and reproductive concerns, as well as Erectile Dysfunction in some males.

Infertility Concerns?
Are you and your spouse facing infertility concerns? Have you or your spouse, a friend, or loved one been trying to get pregnant, without success? Have you been checked out by your physician and been told that there's nothing physically wrong with either you or your partner, so keep on trying?
If you've tried everything under the sun and nothing has worked, the odds are extremely high that there are one or more stress elements involved, and these elements make up the stress factors that tend to diminish the full potential of your reproductive system!
Erectile Dysfunction (E.D.) is often the result of stress elements as well.
Don't take my word for it though; check with the experts on stress, as well as the reproductive researchers at both Stanford and Duke University, for example. You may also wish to look for the appropriate articles published by both the Harvard and Yale school of medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association, and the New England Journal of Medicine.
Any of the above resources should give you a nice starting point to validate what I'm telling you!
For many couples, Stress Management for Life has been an answer to their prayers, as it has worked wonders in helping them to create a family, by removing the many stress elements that cause the negative stress factors that suppress both the body's immune and reproductive systems. Naturally though, no medical claims are being made, and results will vary from couple to couple!
The worst possible scenario is that your immune system will become enhanced and that you will achieve depths of relaxation that you didn't even know existed!
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